Saturday 1 August 2009

The secret business is revealed!!!!!!

So that afternoon, I decided..."i know, lets jump out of a plane!" so that is exactly what I did!!! One of the best most memorable most amazing experiences of my life!! I recommend skydiving (especially in Fiji!!) to everyone because it is nothing like you expect! There is no horrible yucky rollercoaster feeling, no feeling of falling super fast and not going to stop. I did it from the highest height, 14,000 ft. In Fiji they have four stages at which you can jump starting from 8,000 however we thought if you are going to skydive you might as well make the most of it...therefore this meant that we had 60 seconds free fall!!! aaaaaaaahhh! The free fall though like I said doesnt feel like your dropping, you get a sense of weightlessness, you just feel like your flying and staying in the same kind of place. Its really weird but amazingly cool. I paid about FJ$200 extra to get the whole experience filmed, and it was soooo worth it!! It really captures everything and every time I watch it back I feel the same emotions. I will put it on facebook or youtube when I am home :) Im sure you will all have quite a giggle as its soooo weird seeing all my skin flap in the wind, and during the freefall I screamed "OH MY GOD" allllllll the way down hahaha because the guy said if you feel like you cant breath just i did. You will also see that its extremely hard to keep your mouth closed, so in my dvd its hilarious watching me trying to hold my lips together!!! I had the BEST day that day, definately the best of my whole trip, and for those who are interested I definately want to do it again so just give me a buzz!!!

Im in Sydney airport now, on my way home! I cannot believe I have been away for a month, it has gone sooooo fast but I made some true life long friends along the way and had the most amazing experiences!! I absolutely adored my host family, and Talei (the 8yr old daughter) definately felt like a sister to me, I was so sad to say goodbye!! We had to say goodbye to Vanessa last night, I had been talking to her by email ever since I booked fiji so thats like since feb/march time, and then spending a month together made us sooo close. Amie, Vanessa and I were inseparable (VAV!!) as we shared a room at home and anywhere we went, we went on crazy adventures to find indian families etc and so last night we were all a mess!! It was soooo sooo sad but we have already planned our trip to switzerland to go visit and she is coming to us too so I cannot wait!

This morning our host family suggested we take their huuuuge 4x4 (as Amie had learnt to drive it over the weekend) to the airport at 6am so we could check in before the queues and then we could come home for some breakfast before we had to board. However they didnt tell us the car was virtually empty (petrol wise) and so when we saw the flashing light on the dashboard we headed straight to the closest petrol station but didnt quite make it!! I then had to run in and find a nice fijian man to help us!! It was soooo crazy, as this guy was helping me pour a tub thing of diesel into the car he was saying how he is looking for a nice young girl and that I should stay in fiji looking for a nice young man....!!! HE WAS CHATTING ME UP!! I told him I was DEFINATELY taken and in no way interested hahaha and I just wished he would hurry up so we could check in and still make it back to say our goodbyes etc. I managed to get away just before he gave me his number as he asked if I knew of anyone who would be interested and I jokingly said well I dont know but Im in a house full of girls, so he was like GREAT take my number and give it to them!!! ...I RAN.

Our goodbyes this morning were once again tearful as my host family and all the girls that I stayed in the flat with accompanied us to the airport. We have all spent so much time together that you dont realise how much you will miss them all until you leave.

Anyway I have had the best experience of my life, and I am looking forward to coming home now as I know there is so much more to look forward to. See you all extremely soon!



  1. What a fantastic experience this whole trip has been, you've achieved so much in one month! Looking forward to seeing you soon, have a safe journey. xxxxxxx

  2. skydiving sounds AMAZING!!! we could do it in south africa? cant wait to see ur video...
    and you!!
    glad to hear you were attracting attention and still having drama's till the very end!
    see you soon!! :) xxx

  3. sounds incredible (don't tell helen but your detailed account of the skydive has swayed me a little bit..!) cant wait for you to get home so we can meet up and hear all about it in person.
    LOTS OF LOVE xxx
