Thursday 30 July 2009

What an emotional day!

ITS OUR LAST (TEACHING) DAY TODAY!!! We have just left classes 1 2 and 3 for the last time but we had THE BEST morning. They arranged a little party with cakes and biscuits for everyone, they gave us both a small gift (a gorgeous bracelet that both classes 1 and 2 actually went to the shops to buy!!) and we played games, played volleyball with the head teacher!! EVERYTHING! it was soooo much fun and amie and i were really holding back the tears however when it came to the end we just broke the kids joined in too...(only pretending)..."BOOOO HOOO OH MADAM WE DONT WANT YOU TO LEAVE....WAAAAHHHH"

So much has happened this week that I havent had a chance to blog it all. We went to visit an indian family who Vanessa knows through mutual friends in Switzerland (however she had never met the family in fiji). It was such an adventure as we took a mini bus for two hours to a town called Tavua where we were to find "our fella" (thats what the mini van man kept calling him, 'where's your fella???'). He then arrived and we jumped in the back of his truck and set off into the darkness completely leaving civilisation!!! (this was the only point I slightly started to worry, it suddenly hit me that we didnt know these two men, we were driving down some dirt track, no one knew where we were.....mum dont worry, we survived...) At there house they treated us to a HUGE meal and although they didnt eat meat on tuesdays due to their religion they still cooked sausages and two chickens just for the three of us!! We were stuffed but they insisted we eat more and more!! There house was made from sheets of corrugated iron and we had lizards falling from the roof!!!! crazy!

Anyway we are off now....doing secret business!! Will explain later....haha

love to everyone


Sunday 26 July 2009

living the dream!!

So this weekend was our last in fiji....but one of the best!! we decided to treat ourselves as because we are now 'locals' we could get a local rate in the we chose the intercontinental at Natandola....OH MY GOODNESS! it was stunning!! We spent the whole weekend chilling by the infinity pool, drinking cocktails...AND OUR ROOM HAD A BATH ON THE BALCONY!! Since being in fiji we have felt really dirty and no matter how many times we shower you just dont feel clean, there is dust and dirt everywhere!! BUT for the first time in the month I felt sooo clean in my huuuuge bubble bath, with candles and everything!! i have photos of amie in the bath as proof ;) haha

Anyway I also managed to live a life long dream of mine to ride a horse on a beach!! I did it on saturday with about five other volunteers however my saddle had no blanket on it and seeing as i was wearing shorts it hurt quite a bit!! My horse, diana, was also quite hard to get going and only got as far as a trot. Once it was over I felt that I really had taken the experience for granted so a booked a solo ride for Sunday afternoon too, and im so glad i did. This time I had a horse called Georgina and she was gorgeous (just like Dippy for those who knew him), quite small and fast. I went with a guide and we went alot further right to the point, where the view was stunning! I really appreciated where i was this time, and LOVED every second. One the way back he suggested we galloped, I hadnt riden a horse in years so was a little aprehensive at first but im sooo glad i did!! She was super fast and I have the biggest bruises on my bottom but it was so worth it!! I came back with the biggest smile on my face!! I am definately going to get back into riding again at home.

Today I was teaching again at school. We have seemed to move into class 3 now, but I love them just as much as 1 and 2. For some reason today a boy brought in a crab in a small container of sand and water!! We treated him as our class pet, however he did attempt to escape a couple of times and was very distracting as I tried to teach parrallel lines and right angles! haha

Off to the beach once again today, making the most of fiji!! Speak very soon

lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 22 July 2009

more stuff to laugh at...

Ok, so the other day it was slightly cloudy and not has hot as normal so we thought we would use the oppotunity to visit some natural hot springs. We read in a guide book that the bus was at 1pm and so after school we had lunch and everyone met at the bus station. However when we got there the bus was no where to be seen (we later found out it was at 12.30!) So Alyssa suggested that we took a Lautoka bus which goes through the village we needed, get off in the village and get another small local bus to the hot springs. However, whilst on the bus we said 'Oh Alyssa what is the village we are looking out for?' She answered "errr dont know!?" oh dear!!!! So we knew a name, but we had no idea how big it was, whether there was a sign? we knew basically nothing!!! As we were on the bus Amie suddenly pointed out a sign that said 'welcome to sebato' (which is the village we wanted) we tugged the bell on the bus for the driver to stop, however he was just staring at us in his mirror and just wasnt stopping. He eventually did stop but we had no clue where we were!! There was another bus stop opposite where we got off and there were some locals there. They told us we needed the next stop along the main road for the hot springs!!! Damn! Yet there was one local old man who said, nah you dont need that. Just get this local bus with me and I can show you the way as its on my way home!! We thought, ok...he seemed nice enough. When we got off this local bus he walked us through this farm, down a dirt track into fields...we started to question where we would end up! He kept saying 'the hot springs are just over there!! just there!!' however we kept on walking further and further, going through sugar cane fields and past farm houses, and stray dogs and cows!! He then said 'right its just over that river and then you are there!' we thought brilliant, we were desperate to find them. There was just one problem....a large river in our way.....WITH NO BRIDGE!! We were like, "so how do you get round it??" and he said casually, 'You just go through it'............WHAT!! aahhh! I had linen trousers on so i pulled them up, took off my flip flops and we began wading through the river!! It was hilarious, as the current was really quite strong and it wasnt very stable underfoot. I suggested that I must video this moment, so Amie took my shoes and out came the video camera (you can all see it when im home!) The next moment i noticed a blue thing floating past...IT WAS MY FLIPFLOP! she accidentally dropped it, and the current was taking it down stream! NOOOOOOOOOO! Luckily it was drifting towards the river bank and Vanessa ran back and grabbed it, however I ended up walking the majority of the rest of the way bare foot anyway as my flip flops were so wet and slippery they just didnt stay on. Once we crossed the river we where are these hot springs....we were in a field of sugar cane once again...nothing but farm land around!! Ahhh! any minute now I thought, this guy is going to turn into some kind of mad man! But you will be glad to hear he didnt....however we did have one more scare in store. We followed him further until we walked into this small village where all the locals knew him...dogs were barking and little naked children came running out the huts (that they live in) to come and see the visitors (us!) Our old wise (??) man started talking to this man, and we heard the words 'money' and 'dollars', we instantly assumed these people wanted money as he had helped us find our way. It was soon revealed that the chief of their village owned the springs and they wanted to offer us a discount. He said we could pay $20 for five of us instead of $10 each when we arrive at the springs. We thought that was very nice of them, however to pay they said..."just follow us into this house" and this not so old guy encouraged us in. At this point I had to speak up..."we are fine thanks! We really dont mind paying the $10 each HONESTLY...ITS FINE!" I didnt trust this villager man as much as the old man, and really didnt want us five girls to be alone in his house..(hut!) So they pointed down to the hot springs and we finally arrived!!! I was so pleased to see a coach load of american volunteers arrive, I then knew we were in the right place.

The springs themselves were amaaaazing!! Really hot! We started in the mud pool which was a surreal experience! The pool was full of goo and as you stood in it you sunk deeper and deeper into mud, leaves and who knows what else! At first it really freaked me out as the 'goo' came up to our thighs, but you got used to it, and it was really warm!! We then had to get out and cover ourselves completely in the mud! I cannot wait to see the photos! We then gradually washed this off back in the mud pool and in two other clearer pools. All amazingly warm!!

The rest of our days have been pretty normal, lots of school, beaches...and we are BOOKING SKY DIVING FOR NEXT WEEEKKKKK!!! :) the time has gone so quickly but as much as I will definately miss fiji I am looking forward to coming home :) I am desperate for some decent fresh fruit and vegetables, and some exercise! You get neither in fiji! Trust me! (well especially if your staying with a local family).

Anyway I will update again soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lots of love

Sunday 19 July 2009

our weekend in the capital...

So today has been another morning at school, and the kids had a nurses visit for vaccinations, however due to the serious lack of organisation at the school, half of the kids from our class couldnt be checked as their parents didnt even know about it and therefore didnt give them permission to be checked! Their teacher Miss Linda is really worried about Swine Flu (in Fiji they are honestly more paranoid than the UK i swear!) so she was worried about the children not being checked today so hopefully the nurses will come again soon.

Anyway this weekend was such an experience (good and bad!!) We went to the capital of Suva. On the way we stopped off at this zip wire place. It took almost 2 hours to get round the whole line with 8 huuuuuge zip wires!!! it was sooo cool! The first one took you across the river, we then had to climb up the mountain abit, and the next 7 gradually took you down to the bottom again! Amie and I keep doing our geordie ant and dec impressions as everything reminds us of im a celebrity get me outa here!! We also learnt the fijian for awesome "Wananavu" which we shouted on virtually every zip wire. When we eventually made it to the city, we were excited about seeing our appartment. We were five girls and Grace had booked us our own appartment and Vanessa (whos italian) was going to cook us pasta that night...HOWEVER when we arrived that was not the case! The lady at the appartments decided to change her prices from $80 to $130! So we ended up in a backpackers hostel, (that looked like a hospital) with two japanese men and two local fijians. They were all lovely but still not quite what we had expected. Friday night we went for an amaaazing indian and then out to our first fijian club! This was our latest night so far so once we got back we were fast asleep!! Saturday morning we decided to check out of the hostel, we were meant to stay for two nights but two other volunteers to stayed with us told us about Raintree Lodge, this hotel in the rainforest so we decided to relocate there. When we returned from breakfast on Saturday morning we arrived to see a fresh fish left in our bathroom sink...the japanese men had bought it at the market that morning and moved it to the draining board in the kitchen area and started cutting it up for fresh sashimi!!! We couldnt believe our eyes, there I was trying to brush my teeth whilst this man was taking apart a fish! SO glad we didnt stay- it would have stunk of fish that night! Also forgot to say when we arrived the japanese men were asleep, it was soooo funny! we couldnt turn the lights on because we didnt want to wake them so we just sat there in the dark laughing!!! Anyway when they eventually woke up they started talking to us, asking questions, and suddenly out of nowhere one got out a harmonica!!! He wanted to play a tune from each country each of us came from (germany, switzerland, usa, england...etc) may i just add at this point he was also changing...infront of us. So i return from using the bathroom and suddenly turn to my left and see a half naked japanese man playing 'london bridge is falling down' on the harmonica!!!!!!!!! SURREAL MOMENT!! we left on saturday and headed into the rainforest- where it was indeed raining alot! We went to this amaaaazing waterfall and swam in the natural pools and some of our crew found a huuuuge rope swing and I have some amazing photos of people flying in mid-air! It was one of the best experiences as it was so beautiful and you just couldnt believe where you were!!! We were starving when we arrived at our beautiful lodge in the rainforest (and extremely wet and cold!) but we couldnt believe our luck when we found out they did ALL DAY BREAKFASTS!!! So we had PANCAKES!! (with bacon and maple syrup - MY FAVOURITE!) it was perfect and really warmed us up. So for the rest of saturday afternoon we got cosy in our duvets and watched dvds before an early night. Sunday just consisted of a four hour drive home!!!!! It was great though to be able to see the whole island, and we stopped to buy fresh bananas from some amazingly cute kids on the street in a small village. Sunday night was another volunteers social and Chrissy's last night so we had a huge bbq at our house (however we all ended up inside watching Sex and the City due to the rain)

The rain has definately gone now as its SOOOOO HOT TODAY!!! We are off for lunch and then BEACH TIMMMEEE!! yeyyy

hope everyone is well at home, and thankyou grandad W for my text. Grandad C I read your email to Amie so I hope you can read this blog soon!

Take care
Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 15 July 2009

dont worry!

hey everyone, i have heard that some people are having trouble commenting on the blog. Dont worry its not your computer I think its just my site. :) I am rushing off to catch a bus to the beach now so will update soon. Just to let you know we went to harry potter last night!!! I fell asleep however...woops. Then this weekend we are off to the capital Suva!! Speak soon
lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 12 July 2009

This weekend was really relaxing, we went to a beach resort 4hrs 30mins away, and the boat ride was one of the bumpiest EVER, one of our volunteers was sick and once we arrived everyone was feeling not too good. We did two trips while we were there, the first was snorkelling in some caves - which are quite famous in fiji! However me and Iris only made it into the first as you have to go in an underwater tunnel to get to the second and we really didnt fancy it. Plus it didnt help that we saw an eel in the water- really freaked me out!! I said to Iris...just think of this as an I'm a celebrity challenge!! That afternoon we also had a trip to the blue lagoon (another famous place of fiji) where we did more snorkelling, its reknowned for it there. We keep seeing lots of bright blue star fish, they are really cool!! The boat ride home wasnt as bad as the way out. We have discovered fiji's peanut cookies and so they kept me going!

Today was our first day back at the school for this week. We are really loving it and we still have the teacher for our class which is so much better!! She really appreciates our help :) It rained loooooads last night in nadi and so the school field was really wet and there were frogs! Some people picked them up and I was like ewww dont get them near me, however...BAD IDEA!! The kids then picked up on this (and not just kids from our class, some older kids too as it was break time) and so they kept cupping their hands and pretending they had frogs and throwing them at me. Some picked up rocks instead so I actually couldnt tell if they were joking or not. They found it hilarious and in the end I just had to laugh along too!

Next weekend Saula is looking into booking us a trip to Suva (the capital). Some of the volunteers are getting their scuba diving qualifications this week so they can do the shark dive (afraid to say natalie and helen im not - i would be if it was in a cage but this is shark feeding whilst scuba cage....nutin!!) So while they are doing that saturday we are hopefully going to Suva and there is a place there that the others have been to where there is a huuuuge waterfall and a rope swing to jump into the water. Sounds amazing so thats definately on our list of things to do. We have managed to squeeze in so much so far, money is going quickly however when you convert it to english its a mighty BARGAIN!! Our weekend trip cost FD$285 however converted to english thats about just less than 100 pounds (you divide by 3) and that included, all food (3 cooked meals a day - they eat looooads in fiji) , a 4.5hr boat trip, three days and two nights at this resort where our accomodation was a house on a beautiful white sandy beach! not bad i say :)

Note to natalie and helen when you are in fiji there is something called a Bula Pass (dont know if i have mentioned it before) which takes you around loads of islands -well as many as you like. I shall bring back info and the best ones to go to. Bounty island is still my fav, apparently Beachcomber is a party island so I shall keep you informed as people try them.

Anyway while update again soon

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s. mum did you tell Grandad C about the blog??

Wednesday 8 July 2009



Yesterday we went to the beach once again after school and we found the most amazing resort called the Intercontinental Fiji. We secretly used their pools and deck chairs, one of the pools was an infinity pool looking out to the sea and people were horse riding on the beach!! I would have done if i wasnt all wet and also they really think white people are just made of money. Anna (a fijian woman who lives with Grace sometimes) has told us that whereever we go act local. She says if you act local you will be treated local, and we have been told to tell people that we live and teach in fiji before we purchase things as it is likely that they would bring down the price for us.
Anyway yesterday evening all the volunteers had a social at smugglers cove, and there was fijian fire dancers and they eventually pulled us all up onto the stage (more like square of beach) and made us dance!! I cried with laughter so much as it was the funniest thing watching the men try and dance!!
Today at school me and amie had a really nice surprise as our class' teacher turned up so we simply had to assist her! Its great because as there are two classes in one classroom we still get a chance to actually teach and its so rewarding but we dont have the stress or worry of controlling them, as they are a handful AND A HALF!!! We have got into a little routine now of meeting up with these two other volunteers who work at the school and as we only work until midday we all work into Nadi for lunch. I couldnt believe it that Harry (another teacher at my school) and this other volunteer called Amie are both from Salisbury!!! Harry goes to bournemouth institute of art!! We all live so close at home!! really weird!

Tomorrow is our desert island trip YEYYYYY!! we have to leave really early in the morning to catch the boat, and then we stay there until sunday! its like a little holiday within our volunteering! :) we are going to explore the underwater caves, go snorkelling and just relax on the beach. We should be booking our skydiving soon too! Some of the other volunteers have already done it and you get a video of it at the end!! cannot wait! We also have the oppotunity of trying scuba diving and possibly diving with sharks in a couple of weeks. I dont know if I will :S maybe sky diving is enough for me!!

You will probably hear from me next after this weekend!!

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 6 July 2009

hey everyone!!

hey again!
so to continue from yesterday, it ended up that we didnt go to the handicap school. We told Saula (guy in charge of us) that we had a really good time at the school so he said that we could stay there. So we spent our afternoon at the beach!! and stayed until sunset, it was very beautiful and there was a wedding (as we were in a resort hotel place and secretly used their pool too!). Then we went back home for dinner, we took a minibus which just looks like a normal mini bus at home but you call them down like taxis. They are apparently the best way to travel as they wont rip you off and its literally like a couple of fijian dollars so like a pound at home!! We had dinner at home and another volunteer arrived to join our crew of girls! We rented a chick flick for a night in, however i only managed to stay up until 9 and headed to bed!!

Today we spent another morning at the school. Me and amie went in with a bit more of a plan today and we were really impressed with how the children worked. As we are teaching two years in one class it is so hard to be able to provide activities for such a wide range of abilities. Some love to work, whereas others (like boys) love to fight!! oh dear! We arranged a lesson on the body and learning how to spell words around the body, and I then did some stuff on where animals come from, as i thought it was really neccessary after they thought lions and penguins were in australia!! i also feel that i should do a lesson on england because they think the queen lives in australia!!

anyway we have just bought so new marker pens and paper as the school has no good materials so hopefully if we keep lessons planned we can keep them amused. Because we were doing the body today i taught them head shoulders knees and toes. They loved it!! I wish i could have filmed them doing the actions as the smiles on their faces were AMAZING!

we are planning a big trip this weekend to stay on a desert island a 4hr boat ride from Nadi, but I think it will be worth it!! Apparently the further you go from the main island the more beautiful they are!

speak soooon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 5 July 2009


hello all from fijiiiii!!!
we have only been here two days and already we have done soooo much!!! from the moment we arrived we were off to a local port and pizzeria. BEST PIZZA EVER!! we then all went to the sheriton hotel and had drinks while a live band played. we couldnt believe how tired we were and yet still didnt go to bed until midnight!! yesterday we took a day trip to Bounty island (where celebrity love island was filmed!!) it was amaaaazing!! we kyaked around the island and just layed around in the shallows alll day!! (natalie and helen i advise that you go there and stay for at least a night!!)
then today has been our first day volunteering, we arent at the orphanage where we thought we would be as it turns out they have quite a few volunteers and not so many orphans (which i guess is a good thing!!) so we spent the morning at nadi christian primary school with me and amie teaching a class of year 1 and 2! they were a handfull (understatement!) but ALOT of fun! they call us miss amie and miss vikki or madaaaam!! as we left they were sat around us (and on top of us) doing our hair, they refused to go back to class. turns out they havent had a teacher for months and the whole school is seriously lacking staff with about 3 or 4 perminant staff for the whole school whos ages range from 3/4 to 16. this afternoon we may be going to the handicap school so that we can try both and decide where we want to stay. will update again soon
love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 3 July 2009


Hello from bangkok!!

hello all!!!
we have arrived in bangkok, thailand!! its currently 3.50pm here however we have only just had breakfast!! amie keeps getting freaked out by the time changes, she keeps swearing that we must have gone back in time!
we are now waiting for our onward flight to sydney where we will have to wait another few hours before we board our final plane to fiji.
its been a good journey so far, has gone quite quickly as we slept most of the way. I may try to post my next post from sydney however may not be able to until we reach fiji!
so until then,
love to everyone! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx