Thursday 30 July 2009

What an emotional day!

ITS OUR LAST (TEACHING) DAY TODAY!!! We have just left classes 1 2 and 3 for the last time but we had THE BEST morning. They arranged a little party with cakes and biscuits for everyone, they gave us both a small gift (a gorgeous bracelet that both classes 1 and 2 actually went to the shops to buy!!) and we played games, played volleyball with the head teacher!! EVERYTHING! it was soooo much fun and amie and i were really holding back the tears however when it came to the end we just broke the kids joined in too...(only pretending)..."BOOOO HOOO OH MADAM WE DONT WANT YOU TO LEAVE....WAAAAHHHH"

So much has happened this week that I havent had a chance to blog it all. We went to visit an indian family who Vanessa knows through mutual friends in Switzerland (however she had never met the family in fiji). It was such an adventure as we took a mini bus for two hours to a town called Tavua where we were to find "our fella" (thats what the mini van man kept calling him, 'where's your fella???'). He then arrived and we jumped in the back of his truck and set off into the darkness completely leaving civilisation!!! (this was the only point I slightly started to worry, it suddenly hit me that we didnt know these two men, we were driving down some dirt track, no one knew where we were.....mum dont worry, we survived...) At there house they treated us to a HUGE meal and although they didnt eat meat on tuesdays due to their religion they still cooked sausages and two chickens just for the three of us!! We were stuffed but they insisted we eat more and more!! There house was made from sheets of corrugated iron and we had lizards falling from the roof!!!! crazy!

Anyway we are off now....doing secret business!! Will explain later....haha

love to everyone


1 comment:

  1. I'm waiting with bated breath to hear about your secret business(haha)!! and what have I told you about getting into cars with strangers!!! (lol) Thank goodness you tell me about things after the event! Enjoy your last day there. xxxxxxx
